Nexus Yoga is the result of the shared vision of Janel Schullo and Horace Usry. Janel and Horace met in the Pacific Coast jungle of Costa Rica in 2013. Both came to teach in a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. They soon became close friends and then partners. They shared their visions for a yoga school during walks on the Pacific Coast at sunset and during long soaks in the beautiful tropical tide pools. They arrived in Costa Rica from two tautly different backgrounds. Janel had spent over twenty years in a cloistered Catholic monastery as a Nun in Connecticut. Horace had spent over twenty years in Investment Banking in several cities in the US and London. Both became ardent practitioners of yoga and students of yoga philosophy. Their walks and talks became the genesis of the Nexus Institute for Yoga & Wellness.
We want to create a place for Nexus Yoga Institute graduates to connect, share, learn, and grow from one another.